Friday, March 25, 2011

The bulbul diaries - 20110325

Much to the amusement of all of us at home, a red whiskered bulbul has made a nest on one of our plants. The nest building seems have started on  March 10th or 11th (by 11th evening it was more or less ready for occupation). Within a few days (14 or 15th), there were two eggs in the nest. Wikipedia says that it takes about 14 days for them to hatch and so we should expect the chicken to appear by end of this month (in about 4-5 days!!). Here are some pics!
20100317, ~6:45AM: The mehandi plant in which the bulbul has made a nest. The nest was prepared in practically a day or two. Here, the incubation is on.

20100317, ~6:45AM: Look, what a nice place she has picked to build her nest. It is supported by at least four main branches of the plant and several smaller twigs. Extremely stable.

20100317, ~6:45AM:  A close-up of the nest and the two eggs. Look at how nicely the tiny bird has woven the little straws and twigs together!
Sunita had warned me about how paranoid these birds get if they keep encountering humans often. Till now the bulbul has been too generous to allow me audience till as close as 2 feet or so. She of course lies frozen as she incubates; she probably assumes that I did not notice her!

Now, Peeyush has provided me with another reason to keep fingers crossed - cats! It seems that at their place, a bulbul had built her nest on a very small palm at very low level. They became an easy meal to a cat. In our case too this bulbul has built her nest at quite low a height (well, she has many other birds to hide her nest from) and there are cats on prowl in the nights near our house too! I wish and hope that they remain safe and the whole process goes off smoothly!

Will keep posting as and when there are more episodes!

Ravi   (Fri Mar 25 22:24:28 IST 2011)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sree Ramasevamandali Concert 2011

The scanned copy of the schedule of Sree Ramasevamandali Concert, 2011. Thanks to Atreya for the flyer.

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Write to me for a PDF of these - these sites do not like hosting PDF files :-)

Ravi (Tue Mar 15 23:09:00 IST 2011)